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Support Forum » compiling my first program

November 03, 2011
by pfullen
pfullen's Avatar

I am getting the following error...

In cmd promt

Conntecting to Programmer Programmer:ID = "Huh? Go"; type = ' Software Version = t. ; Hardware version = '.S avrdude: error:buffered memory access not supported. Maybe it isn't a butterfly/AVR109 but a AVR910 device? make: *** [initialload-upload] Error 1

Thanks for your help


November 03, 2011
by hevans
(NerdKits Staff)

hevans's Avatar

Hi pfullen,

This error means your chip is not in programming mode. Make sure your programming switch is properly installed and in the right position, then reset power to the chip to boot into programming mode. When your chip is in programming mode you should see two black bars on the LCD, and not the original congratulations message.


November 03, 2011
by pfullen
pfullen's Avatar

Thank you so much. I just did not reset the chip was my problem I did what you said and it work

I am really enjoying this new hobby.

Thank you so much!!!

November 06, 2011
by pfullen
pfullen's Avatar

After getting this done I have been working on the temp sensor project

I was able to compile and load the new tempsensor program with success.

I flipped the switch to the down position and unplugged and re-plugged the battery

However I still get two lines of boxes on my LCD I read a few of the posts about people with this similar problem I double checked my resister and made sure lcd pin 3 is going to pin a 27 on the bread board. Also lcd pin 5 is going to gnd

Any other trouble shooting suggestions?


November 06, 2011
by missle3944
missle3944's Avatar


Make sure you are using a fresh 9v battery or it still has charge on it. I just got sick of using batteries so I just ran my setup off the USB power which will suffice for the tempsensor project just fine. Make sure that the program is actually getting onto the chip using the cmd and it says like 100% done. Check your LCD wiring. If worse comes to worse just re wire everything. One time that happened to me and I was stumped for hours. Then I just decided to take out everything and wire it back up, and it worked perfectly! Hope this helps!!!


November 08, 2011
by pfullen
pfullen's Avatar

I removed everything back off the breadboard except the chip and rewired and connected everything. I connected the USB cables to provide power

I double and triple checked the wires

No matter what I do I still keep getting the two lines of boxes on the LCD

Any other suggestions?



November 09, 2011
by Rick_S
Rick_S's Avatar

Often in circumstances like this, a good overhead photo of your wiring will help. Sometimes the extra eyes can see something you may miss.


December 05, 2011
by pfullen
pfullen's Avatar

I wired my kit for the temp sensor project. I am using the USB cable to power the project

In programming mode I have two lines of bars on the LCD screen

When I use the make file everything appears to run correctly

I then disconnect the usb to power off and move the switch to the down position

When I power back up the program does not execute. I am stuck with the 2 lines of bars on the LCD screen

Still Stuck

I posted a couple videos on Youtube to show the wiring and make file on the screen. If anyone can see a problem with the wiring etc please let me know.

Thanks for your help

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