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Microcontroller Programming » "Fancy Pants" Batch File

August 05, 2009
by shix
shix's Avatar

I made a simple batch file to make things a little quicker when using the "Make" command...

Make.bat contents

cd %~dp1


  • Drag the MakeFile from your folder, and drop it on the .bat file.

What it does

  • Open CMD.
  • Change directory to that of the makefile.
  • Run "Make" command (+ display results).
  • Wait for you to close the window.

I don't know if anyone will find this useful, but i thought I'd lay it out there.

Have fun,


August 05, 2009
by mcai8sh4
mcai8sh4's Avatar

Andrew, these are the little hacks that for some reason just make me happy!!

Simple, effective, elegant!

Also, this is the second time today someone has used the term fancy pants to me

August 09, 2009
by shix
shix's Avatar

I decided the best way to use my "fancy pants" batch file was to put it in the "sendTo" folder, which adds it to the sendTo menu (which you see when you right click on most files). This way i don't have to have two folders open, or put the batch file on my desktop, or make a million copies of the batch file. Instead you can just right click on MakeFile -> SendTo -> maker.bat (for example)...

GL HF, Andrew

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