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Basic Electronics » Servo Squitter Project

November 07, 2011
by Heed
Heed's Avatar

what is the code 4 the servo Squitter project...and if possible could you specify the step by step process used 2 connect the MCU and LCD and what should be connected where..i would appreciate it greatly

November 07, 2011
by hevans
(NerdKits Staff)

hevans's Avatar

Hi Heed,

I think you need to take a second here and slow down. You will learn much much more if you take your time and build up your knowledge from the basics. The place to start is with the USB NerdKits Guide, it goes over how to wire up the NerdKit and gets you started with some sample projects. I understand those projects might not be the ones you want to do at first but we start with those for a reason, they will give you the understandign your need to move forward from there. Go to the Downloads section from the Members link on the top nav bar to download the NerdKits Guide.


November 08, 2011
by Heed
Heed's Avatar

ok....ive wired up the kit and i am on the part called "STEP 10c" Compile and install your 1st program..i do not understand what it means by

  1. Open up the command line and navigate to the folder with the code in it.
  2. List the files in the directory and make sure there is a file called Makefile.
  3. Type “make” and press enter to run the “make” command. This command will look for the Makefile and use it to compile all the code, and will then program the chip using the binary files.

what im really having problems with is finding where i should type "make"

November 08, 2011
by Heed
Heed's Avatar

i have the code but how do i run the actual progarm

November 08, 2011
by hevans
(NerdKits Staff)

hevans's Avatar

Hi Heed,

Take a look through this libary article on using the command line. It was written for first time users of the command line as an introduction. Hopefully that clears some things up for you.


November 08, 2011
by Heed
Heed's Avatar

Thanks im really appreciating all the help

i pulled up the cmd box and i entered "dir" and it did show me all the files, after i did the i entered "cd" to try 2 navigate up but i was unable 2 do so

November 08, 2011
by hevans
(NerdKits Staff)

hevans's Avatar

Hi Heed,

You need to tell the cd command which folder you want to move to. The command to move one folder up is "cd .." the two dots mean the parent folder of the current folder. This info is in the library article I linked you to, make sure you take your time to read it carefully.


November 09, 2011
by Heed
Heed's Avatar

i pulled up my cmd file so i could input the commands and here are the steps i followed..also the codes 4 my projects are lcated in my downloads so heres what i did..

  1. i typed "dir" and pressed enter, this, as im sure you already know pulled up all of the files.

  2. i typed "cd.." and it showed "cd.. is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable or batch file"

  3. i typed " dir downloads" and it showed all my downloads

  4. i typed "dir code" and it showed "volume in drive C has no lable volume serial number is E24B-9178

Im not sure what this means and im unsure as 2 what mistake i am making

November 09, 2011
by treymd
treymd's Avatar

place a space between cd and the directory you wish to change to.

cd[space].. and cd[space]downloads

some advice for you since you are just getting started on the command line, although windows allows spaces in directory names, other operating systems need a little help understanding those spaces, so it is a REALLY good idea to get in the habit of enclosing directory names with spaces in quotes, like this:

cd "Documents and Settings"

always separate the command you are running (in this case cd) with a space and then the parameter you are giving it, in this case .. or directory up

November 09, 2011
by treymd
treymd's Avatar

the output you got in #4 is standard, and it probably ended with "File not Found" as I think (without seeing your screen) you need to cd first to downloads, then to code.

November 09, 2011
by Heed
Heed's Avatar

Alright i followed your instructions and it did allow me 2 get 2 code and now its showing


so i tried typing cd "make" in order 2 find the makefile and it showed

"make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop.

November 09, 2011
by Heed
Heed's Avatar

How do i change the the cmd recognize my COM5...ive already went into the program and changed ttyUSB0 and i changed it to ttyUSBCOM5.

Was that correct?

November 09, 2011
by Heed
Heed's Avatar

I did it and it worked :)) ...thank you all 4 all of your help i really appreciate it.

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