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Support Forum » NerdKits guide

April 09, 2009
by Kevin
Kevin's Avatar

The Nerd Kit is great. Just one suggestion....

As I have experimented with my Nerd Kit I found my self going back to the Nerd Kit guide several times. I would scroll through the pages looking for the section that had the info that I was looking for. I found it a little difficult to quickly locate the section I was looking for so I created book marks with Adobe Acrobat for the various steps and sections in the document. I would suggest that you add bookmarks to future Nerd Kit guides to make it easier to go back and find info.

I can forward my bookmarked copy if you would like to see what I have done.

April 09, 2009
by hevans
(NerdKits Staff)

hevans's Avatar

That is a great idea Kevin, I will definitely look into it. It would be great if you sent us your bookmarked copy to support [at] nerdkits

June 10, 2009
by BobaMosfet
BobaMosfet's Avatar

I finally got my first NerKit put together (atleast to the point of seeing the LCD) - Man that ROCKS! I have one suggestion though. When I initially plugged the battery in, nothing happened. I checked everything and all connects were firm and proper. I got my digital meter out and found voltage was way to low across the board. I check the battery unplugged and found it at 7.51VDC. I plugged it in an checked it again and found it had collapsed to 3.54VDC. Battery was no good.

Soon as I put a new battery in, it lit right up (and is running now).... OUTSTANDING.

My suggestion: Put a note in for people to check the battery before they tear their thing apart if absolutely nothing happens-- it might be the problem :P

June 11, 2009
by mrobbins
(NerdKits Staff)

mrobbins's Avatar

Apologies about the battery -- glad to hear you fixed it!


June 19, 2009
by BobaMosfet
BobaMosfet's Avatar

I can't begin to tell you how happy I am. Soon as I get the next thing done, I'm going to post on the board giving great accolades to you guys.... THANK YOU so very much.

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