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Project Help and Ideas » Falling Snowflake Christmas Leds

November 14, 2011
by carlhako
carlhako's Avatar

Hi Everyone

Ive been trying to get some Christmas lights done before its too late. My idea is to have some strips of white leds simulating falling snowflakes. I saw lots of these over in europe and they look pretty good.


Thats what I have working so far. Each strip has 24 leds has its own circuit board that i etched myself using the toner method which holds 3 shift registers. The strips are chained together with cat5 cable.

The plan is to work out how to make them weather proof, make 10 of them then hang them from the fascia board on the front of the house.

Current code: pastebin This will generate a random size of snow flake 1-6leds high, generate a random delay before starting each snow flake falling. This is so they are not all synchronized.

I don't really have any questions but any comments on the way i have done things or my code are definitely welcome. This post is to inspire some Christmas lights :)

November 14, 2011
by hevans
(NerdKits Staff)

hevans's Avatar

This is a really neat project! I definitely post up some videos of the final setup.


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