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Microcontroller Programming » Car Display Project - Wirelessly transmit data to a Scrolling Message Display Board using ARDUINO

November 21, 2011
by saleem
saleem's Avatar

Hi Everyone,

I have created a Wireless project that allows one to send data to the Nerdkit LED Marquee. I am using Tx/Rx 315 MHz Modules to send/Rx data. I designed it for my car - for example if someone gives me way I tell Him/Her "THANKS" or "SORRY" or "HELP" etc based on the key I pressed on my Tx module. I am using the ARDUINO to Send/Rx data.

If anyone is interested in the complete project with code please contact me at:

I really enjoyed making this project.

Saleem Qamar

November 21, 2011
by Ralphxyz
Ralphxyz's Avatar

Are you using a Nerdkit or ARDUINO?

While both can use an Atmel 168 microprocessor, Nerdkit and ARDUINO are not the same.

Which radio modules did you use? It is nice (and easy) to give the links so that we can also get some.

You ought to make a you tube video, I'd like to see it in action.


November 27, 2011
by saleem
saleem's Avatar

Hi Ralphxyz,

I am using both the Nerdkit and Arduino.

Here is the link to the document that describes the project in detail:

Click on the "Car Display Project" Link to download the document.

If you find a better way of doing this, I would appreciate it if you could let me know.

I will try to make a video of this.

Hope that answers your question.



December 07, 2011
by saleem
saleem's Avatar

Hi Guys,

As promised - Here is the URL for the Video:



December 07, 2011
by Ralphxyz
Ralphxyz's Avatar

That's neat, thank you for the video.

Where are you going to mount the display?


December 07, 2011
by saleem
saleem's Avatar

I have a Mitsubishi Pajero SUV so I am going to mount it on the back of the SUV. I also have a 12V power outlet there.

Since it is wireless I don't need wires running from the back to the front of the car where the keyboard transmitter will be.


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