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Microcontroller Programming » cannot find the programmers notepad ! win7

December 10, 2011
by victor
victor's Avatar

I just installed the win avr 2009 on my win7 machine. it points to G:Program FilesWinAVR2009pn but there is nothing under than folder! what's wrong?!

December 13, 2011
by BobaMosfet
BobaMosfet's Avatar

Well, normally WinAVR needs GNU to be installed already. 'pn' means 'Programmers Notepad' because that's the application it relies on to display the source-code in the IDE.


December 14, 2011
by hevans
(NerdKits Staff)

hevans's Avatar

Hi Victor,

Did you try using the "Search" box at the bottom of your Start Menu to type Programmers Notepad? You might just not be looking in the folder where the executable ended up.


December 14, 2011
by Rick_S
Rick_S's Avatar

You must install WINAVR as administrator. If not, the programmers notepad binaries don't install. I've had that happen before. Simply re-install but instead of clicking, right click - run as - administrator. This will install it properly.


December 14, 2011
by victor
victor's Avatar

sorry guys, actually i reinstalled it using admin and it solved all problems. thanks.

December 17, 2011
by Rick_S
Rick_S's Avatar

NP, I figured that might be it. I ran into the exact same problem on my 1st install so I immediately recognized the symptoms. Wink

Glad you're up and running,


December 24, 2011
by petersburg
petersburg's Avatar

I had the same problem with Windows 7. I saved the file and used the option to install as administrator, and then went to the Start Menue/Programs/WIN AVR, and the program for 'Programmers Notepad' was there. Thanks for posting so I could figure this out!

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