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Everything Else » NerdKits Videos As Podcasts

August 08, 2009
by hevans
(NerdKits Staff)

hevans's Avatar

Recently, user ukbod asked if we had a way to get our NerdKits videos as Podcasts so they can be viewed from an iPod. We had never thought of this, but it is apparently quite simple to convert a YouTube channel to an Podcast feed. You can drag this RSS Handler URL into your Podcasts window on iTunes to get the NerdKits channel as a Podcast. Enjoy!


August 09, 2009
by sgmaniac1255
sgmaniac1255's Avatar

I subscribed to the podcast, but it wont let me download the episodes.

although its probably because im using Media Go (by Sony, for my future PSP) instead of ITunes.

August 12, 2009
by mrobbins
(NerdKits Staff)

mrobbins's Avatar

Hi sgmaniac1255,

This link is from the same service but is supposed to be in "Compact MP4 (PSP)" format -- maybe it will work better for you. I have no way of testing this so please let us know!


August 12, 2009
by sgmaniac1255
sgmaniac1255's Avatar


thanks, however it didn't work. i roamed around the rss handler website and tried different formats, and none of them worked, i suspect that it has something to do with Media Go, its a new program just released by Sony, so it probably has bugs in its pod cast system (or something, i dont know much about RSS and podcasts)

i will probably give in and download itunes (as much as i dislike it)

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