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Support Forum » OSX Lion PL2303 update?

December 30, 2011
by sockcymbal
sockcymbal's Avatar

So the Chinese company that apparently wrote the drivers for the usb-serial adapter might be out of business, and therefore, this link that everyone's been using recently for Lion drivers doesn't load (

Does anybody know of another location I can download this driver? Thanks!

December 31, 2011
by Ralphxyz
Ralphxyz's Avatar

sockcymbal that link works for me!!


December 31, 2011
by sockcymbal
sockcymbal's Avatar

Interesting...ok, I guess it has just been down for the past few days then. I was told by the Prolific people that the Chinese company ( has gone out of business, so that link might not be a good permanent source for this file. I'll keep an eye on it. Thanks!

January 21, 2012
by kyancey
kyancey's Avatar

I can tell you that since installing the version on Nerd Kits website, my Lion install started crashing constantly. I had to uninstall and install the version from the above website.

January 22, 2012
by kyancey
kyancey's Avatar

I may be wrong about that. Lion seems to have some freezing problems that everyone is complaining about. I noticed the problem after installing the drivers, but it's happened after I uninstalled them. My current hypothesis is that it has to do with the hard drive being put to sleep.

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