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Everything Else » Missing Person Report

December 31, 2011
by Ralphxyz
Ralphxyz's Avatar

I know people come and go off the forum but it would (at least to/for me) be nice to be able to encourage people to come on back if possible.

Currently I have mentioned the loss of Noter (Paul) and it (again for me) is a tremendous loss.

So I was wondering if anyone might have had some personal communications with Paul and have his email address.

I would not want you to publish his email address but maybe if you have it, you could drop him a note and tell him that he is missed.

I feel a little guilty about Paul's dropping out as I think I might have offended him with my post concerning WiKi protocol/operations.

And of course now bretm seems to have dropped out. That really is a shame which of course I understand but both of those guys will be sorely missed.

Anybody else? Rick did a posting to the guy up in Canada whom we had not heard of for a while and he replied.

There have been some very interesting discussions with very interesting individuals involved and I found great interest and a lot of learning so everyone is missed.


December 31, 2011
by Rick_S
Rick_S's Avatar

Did Grant respond? I missed it if he did. I just tried to look and didn't find anything from him in the post I made.

As for Paul, I was afraid I may have made him mad. I know we disagreed on some subjects such as the need for 2 mcu's vs. a single mcu and my I2C Lcd. But I thought that left off with OK. I just hoped I didn't push too hard as I have a bad habit of a strong opinion. I work really hard here to keep that in check... Sometimes I go to far but try to reconcile right away if I do BigGrin

December 31, 2011
by Ralphxyz
Ralphxyz's Avatar

I just re-read the thread and see that that was a year ago, still a interesting thread.

As I think about it there are a lot of people who are missing, I wish there was a more personalized communications method as there is with most normal forum software.

I wonder if this "Markdown" forum format leads to people giving up on us?


December 31, 2011
by Rick_S
Rick_S's Avatar

I don't know if that's it or if people get the kit, build some stuff, then lose interest. Others may go in and out of the hobby. I know I had a long break from messing with electronics until I was introduced to micro-controllers a few years ago. They brought me back full force into the hobby.

I know the forum software here is pretty basic, but I understand their reasoning based on their responses when asked. Even as basic as it is, I don't know that it would make people go away that have been around for a while. If anything, the people who have been here longer are more familiar with the markdown and can work around it.

I do agree, it would be nice to be able to have a PM type messaging here that we could share info with each other out of the public eyes.


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