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Support Forum » LCD first and third rows black

January 05, 2012
by 4DFudge
4DFudge's Avatar

I have checked the wires about three times and everything looks right. It looks as though the wires are loose but they are fine. I'm just not sure whats wrong.

January 05, 2012
by missle3944
missle3944's Avatar


Do you get the congratulations message at all? What OS are you using? Have you tried to load the initialload program onto it?


January 06, 2012
by 4DFudge
4DFudge's Avatar


No , I havent in one of the pictures I tried to show that ,im only getting the two bars I thought the LCD was supposed to work before I did?

January 06, 2012
by hevans
(NerdKits Staff)

hevans's Avatar

Hi 4DFudge,

Everything in your wiring looks good to me. There is one test we could run to see if your chip is running normally. Take one of the LEDs in your bag, put the anode on Pin 27 of the MCU, and the cathode on the GND rail. Then reset power to the chip. Our preloaded code blinks this pin on and off once, so you should see the LED blink momentarily when you turn the chip on. If the chip is running it means that your wiring to the LCD is off. If you do not see the blinking it means the code on the chip isn't running. In that case it is possible our original program we flashed on the chip got erased, but the bootloader might be fine. Try continuing with the guide and programming your chip. Let us know if that gets things working.


January 06, 2012
by 4DFudge
4DFudge's Avatar

I tested the chip and the code is working fine, because the LED did light on then off. I continued with the programming and got to step 10c got this error: I'm not sure what it means but could it have something to do with my LCD not working?

January 06, 2012
by missle3944
missle3944's Avatar


Make sure all of your wires are secured in each one of the LCD pins and make sure you at least have about a 1/4 inch of exposed wire in each LCD pin.

I don't think it has a issue with the LCD not working. Check your programming header cable wiring. You might have switched the yellow and green wires. Yellow goes to pin 2 and green goes to pin 3. Make sure your battery is still giving you enough juice.

If you need you can run off the USB power by just plugging the red wire of the USB header into the red rail of the breadboard, but make sure your 9v battery is NOT plugged in.

Hope this helps!


January 09, 2012
by hevans
(NerdKits Staff)

hevans's Avatar

Hi 4DFudge,

Dans suggestions are all fantastic, definitely check all the things he suggested. In addition double check that you installed the programming switch correctly (and that it is in the correct position). Part of you error makes me think your chip was not in programming mode.


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