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Project Help and Ideas » Piezo Composer 1.00

January 08, 2012
by Drwish
Drwish's Avatar

So I was tinkering with making music with an MCU, and I realized one thing: I hate transcribing sheet music into code. I wanted to make it simpler for my self. I figured I could make a simple app where I could click on the note I wanted without having to refer to a guide as to which note was what and then figuring out how I would do it in code, etc.

The result is this: Piezo Composer 1.00

Now what this is, is a java app that helps you transcribe sheet music into code with very minimal music knowledge required. Using this app, all that is required from you, the aspiring hardware specialist is to define the duration of a whole note in milliseconds (according to your set tempo of course =P) and a

void play_note(uint16_t period, uint16_t duration)

function that takes the period of a note in microseconds, and the duration that note is to be played in milliseconds.

After that, set the duration of the note (Whole, Quarter, Eighth, etc.), if it is flat,sharp, or normal, and check the checkbox if it has a dot next to it. Then simply click the note on the staff and watch the magic happen!

After you are done clicking on your notes, click the "Copy to clipboard" button so that you may paste your generated code into your AVR editor of choice.

I know that the image jitters when moving the mouse because that is due to the way I show how notes are selected, and I hope to fix that later. It is however, fully functional =P

Note: the full source is available to whoever is curious inside the jar itself. Just open it up using a compression utility such as Winrar or 7-Zip.

I hope you guys can make use of this, and feedback/suggestions is always appreciated! =D

Download: HERE!

January 08, 2012
by Drwish
Drwish's Avatar

I forgot to mention that periods for all the notes on both staffs are predefined, so you don't have to do any converting!

January 08, 2012
by Drwish
Drwish's Avatar

I just realized that I did not edit the METAINF of the original link, so the application would not start unless you fixed it.


Man I wish this forum had edit functionality =(

January 09, 2012
by Rick_S
Rick_S's Avatar

Neat app, should make building your music files much quicker. Anything that reduces physically typing the code can be helpful. Thanks for sharing it with the group!


January 09, 2012
by Drwish
Drwish's Avatar

Thanks for the feedback Rick! =D

February 16, 2016
by lnino
lnino's Avatar

Hey guys,

after the years the link is broken.

Did someone of you download this tool and want to share it with me?

Would be really great, then I can share it on my Website. It seams that this forum will not be forever. :-(

Or maybe also the owner of this thread reads the message too. :-)

Thanks for your help.

February 17, 2016
by Rick_S
Rick_S's Avatar

Sorry, I didn't download it at the time.

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