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Microcontroller Programming » How to interpret parallel interface timing diagram

January 16, 2012
by jeffspc88mx
jeffspc88mx's Avatar

I'm trying to get a sense of the overall process/algorithm of how data gets sent via parallel. I'll eventually write code to send data from my ATmega168 to my VFD display module. Here's the section on its parallel interface

parallel timing

I get that I have to load the register with the appropriate code to send to the display module, but then, how do I actually "send" it? I know it has something to do with setting a write bit (or is it a read bit? what's doing the reading and what's doing the writing?) Also, it looks like I have to check PBUSY and wait for it to clear before sending, yes?

I did look at the lcd data sheet but there are elements there that don't correspond to my situation (i.e., they talk about communicating with an MCU, but not parallel interface - is that significant? Also, there's an "E" pin with the LCD, not with my display). I'm not sure is these differences are substantial or just semantic.

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