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Microcontroller Programming » realtimeclock1.c fatal error: 10:20: avr/io.h: no such file or directory <ENOENT>

January 18, 2012
by raylop
raylop's Avatar

I compiled and ran all the nerdkits programs and wanted to take a shot at the real time clock code. When I try to compile, I get the following error message: realtimeclock1.c fatal error: 10:20: avr/io.h: no such file or directory <ENOENT> compilation terminated.

I tried to compile the other previously successfully compiled codes and got the same error message.

I'm using Windows Vista Business. Service Pack 2.

Any advice will be highly appreciated.

January 18, 2012
by missle3944
missle3944's Avatar


Are you trying to upload it to a 328p or a 168?


January 18, 2012
by raylop
raylop's Avatar

The MCU included in my kit is Atmega168. I must emphasize that I never got this error before while compiling the codes on the kit. I also check the environment variables for errors, but they seemed fine. Next thing i did was re install WinAVR, but it didn't solve the problem.

January 19, 2012
by treymd
treymd's Avatar

Looks to me like there may be an issue with avr-gcc looking in the wrong place for the header files. Can see the Makefile and realtimeclock1.c?

January 19, 2012
by raylop
raylop's Avatar

My bad guys! I was using the wrong command. I have two compilers installed and mixed them up. Instead of using "make" I was using "gcc", so, yes, it was looking in the wrong place. Thank you all for your input.

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