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Project Help and Ideas » Small Wirless Server
August 14, 2009 by kcen |
I am now working on a new project, due to the fact that I may(if this crazy idea works) get paid by a 7 figure corportation I have to keep the details on the DL. Using my microcontroller I am taking a reading from a few various sensors (1 temp sensor, 1 hall effect, 1 light sensor) and currently outputing them to a PC. The next step my process is to make the information readable on an PC currently connected to a wireless network. To achieve this task my goal is to have a small embeded computer that can read the information, run a small analysis script (python or java), and output the data via a php website it hosts locally(therefore apache is required). Also, some storage would be nice, but is not required. So what I need is a small cheap apache server that can run on linux, bsd, or something similar(windoze?). The biggest problem I have run into is that the computer must be able to connect to an existing network wirelessly, wired is NOT an option. The focus needs to be cheap(max of a couple hundred $$ but cheaper is better), low power consumption, and small, in that order. Here is a list of possible solutions I have come up with, however input and advice is much needed. 1.Small hand assembeled PCB webserver and a wireless bridge. 2.Jailbreak an ipod touch($$) to run apache 3.Beagle board with a usb wireless adapter 4.Soekris 5.Hack a wrt based linksys router. If that is possible. 6.Other? What do you think? Pros and cons? |
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