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Microcontroller Programming » Decimal Place on LCD
January 23, 2012 by bcbarron |
Seamingly simple do I display a decimal place on the LCD. Below is the code I am using. lcd_decimal(FIRST_LINE, m5, 4); m5 is the variable I am printing to the screen. When printed to the screen it is a whole number when in reality it is a fraction. Thanks, Brent |
January 23, 2012 by Rick_S |
lcd_decimal isn't in the NerdKits lcd library. I have never seen that function in the programs I've dealt with. Since it obviously isn't a standard NerdKit function, you might want to post the language/library it is a function in and maybe your source code. It could be something as simple as the varible declaration being an integer (which has no decimal places) but without additional even someone who may have used the language/library that is from may not be able to help. Why not just use the NerdKit library? Rick |
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