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Microcontroller Programming » curser positioning

January 31, 2012
by tchilzer2
tchilzer2's Avatar

Is there a way to position the curser on the screen throught uart like the lcd? (x,y) positioning.

January 31, 2012
by hevans
(NerdKits Staff)

hevans's Avatar

Hi tchilzer2,

Are you talking about moving the cursor around on your terminal on your computer? I believe the answer to that is yes, you can. It just depends on what escape sequences the terminal emulation software you are using supports, and then sending it those sequences correctly.

As soon as you start talking about making a GUI complicated enough that you need something like this though, it is probably time to start thinking about using a higher level programming language on the PC side to build a gui for your system.


February 01, 2012
by tchilzer2
tchilzer2's Avatar

Thanks Hevans, Yes I am talking about moving the curser to a specific x,y position for the purpose of keeping multiple lines of data from the atmega in thier own spot. It is getting messy scrolling down the screen. Are you suggesting that I should use a take up program (like c::blocks) to retrieve port data instead of Putty? If so do you have any example programs for this job? It doesnt matter what language, as I am always willing to learn a new language. I am familiar with c, c++, and visual basic.

February 01, 2012
by Ralphxyz
Ralphxyz's Avatar

And now Python!!

Humberto has suggested rur-ple as a starter course in learning Python (it's on my list).


February 01, 2012
by hevans
(NerdKits Staff)

hevans's Avatar

We do much of our backend stuff for NerdKits in Python, and I really like it, so Python is always the fist thing I recommend. It is relatively easy to build a quick GUI in Python with something like PyGame. Reading from the serial port is also not too difficult from Python. We have a few examples of getting data from the MCU with Python. Mostly to turn them into graphs in our weigh scale project, and our meat thermometer project. Of course if there is a language you are already familiar with, that will also work fine.


February 01, 2012
by tchilzer2
tchilzer2's Avatar

Thanks guys! Python it is! I will be getting started right away!

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