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Basic Electronics » PowerLineCommunication(PLC) vs Wireless

February 04, 2012
by met_fredrik
met_fredrik's Avatar


As the topic states I am weighing the pros and cons of PLC vs Wireless. This is to be considered in a home automation scenario, with 5-10 units which needs bidirectional communication with a server. This could be placed in the basement and one in the loft. That's where I think wireless fall out. I could have used wifi, but that ones our mainly because of costs. The baudrate could be 2400 or lower.

So, anyone got some ideas? Maybe even someone here has got hands on experience with Powerline communication? Or know of some very cheap wireless rf solutions with good range.

I've been doing some reading on PLC, and it seems to be that in THEORY you could add a high-pass filter on the mains to filter the low frequency and then send data at a much higher frequency using FSK or similar.

If I make any sense at all, please bring your suggestions! :)


February 04, 2012
by treymd
treymd's Avatar

I just read a pretty decent article on hackaday about this. Basically a blog post about reverse engineering one of the powerline protocols.

February 05, 2012
by mongo
mongo's Avatar

Ahhh Yes! I have a system like this in use. I use the X-10 system for lighting in the house right now. It's quite an interesting concept. Mine is also wireless, so there are a few remotes that work from anywhere in the house.

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