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Everything Else » NerdKits Affiliate Program

August 19, 2009
by Nerdful_com
Nerdful_com's Avatar

I need a NerdKits Affiliate Program! Is there one in the works?

I would definitely add a banner ad to my rotating banner ads (I get about million visitors every week or 2 on my 100+ domain names) if there was an affiliate program! Would also offer people a way to earn their money back (students have a hard time forking out 80 bucks, but if they can profit from sales, then it would be more comforting). Nerdkit could even join up with (good way to advertise for NerdKits) and let them do all the work (you would have to create banners/ads).

August 19, 2009
by mrobbins
(NerdKits Staff)

mrobbins's Avatar

We definitely like the idea and are working on setting one up in the coming months. The idea about students is also a good one! But for now, you can use Amazon Associates affiliate program with our USB NerdKit on Amazon. This pays between 4% and 8.5% per month depending on volume. We are hoping to provide a higher commission than that once we start our own affiliate program, but for now it's a way to start trying it!


August 19, 2009
by Nerdful_com
Nerdful_com's Avatar

Good idea! I will be waiting to see some banner designs (hint hint).

Thanks for reply :)

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