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Everything Else » Do you guys have datasheet for 20x4 LCD display?

February 17, 2012
by maurin
maurin's Avatar

I want to mount the 20x4 LCD display on a small case. It would be really helpful to have a mechanical drawing for the board.

Do you guys have datasheet for 20x4 LCD display, not the HD44780 chip?

February 17, 2012
by Rick_S
Rick_S's Avatar

I found one once a while ago, but don't know where I put it. The board is a pretty standard form factor. I think some of the sellers on e-bay have the board layout in their ads. You might want to look there.


February 17, 2012
by Rick_S
Rick_S's Avatar

For instance the one by Sure Electronics Found Here is the same (I just compared their dimensions to the NK display).


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