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Everything Else » 320Gb Hardrive for Sale

February 24, 2012
by dgikuljot
dgikuljot's Avatar

Sorry guys, I am not trying to turn nerdkits into an advertising hub, but I have a laptop drive in good condition that I am selling for cheap.

Youtube Link: Youtube

Ebay Link: Hardrive on Ebay

If anyone needs a laptop drive, I think that is a fair price as it has been used less than a year and is in excellent condition. But if someone on here really needs it for a lower price, I might go 5 dollars lower for them.

February 24, 2012
by dgikuljot
dgikuljot's Avatar

For some reason the ebay link keeps returning to the Nerdkits Forum, so the link is in the Video description on youtube. Thanks!!!!

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