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Microcontroller Programming » newbie

February 26, 2012
by Rodney
Rodney's Avatar

hello when im trying to run make for the initialload it comes back and says initialload upload error 1, what does that mean ?

February 26, 2012
by Rodney
Rodney's Avatar

just to update i understand the error was saying it couldnt open the device and i have changed the makefile to show ttycom3 which com3 is where the serial adaptor is on but still gives me that error.

February 26, 2012
by Rick_S
Rick_S's Avatar

Make it just com3 no tty.

February 27, 2012
by Rodney
Rodney's Avatar

I did still says cant open device :(

February 27, 2012
by dvdsnyd
dvdsnyd's Avatar

You are positive that it is com3 that the USB programmer is in? Double check that you have your programmer connected to the breadboard properly.

February 27, 2012
by missle3944
missle3944's Avatar


can you take a picture of your nerdkit setup? Double check your programming header wiring. Make sure you have the correct com port and that the driver is installed correctly.


February 27, 2012
by Rodney
Rodney's Avatar

1 Alt Text 2 Alt Text 3 Alt Text

im sure its something simple because im overlooking it somehow thanks for you guys looking at it for me :)

February 27, 2012
by Ralphxyz
Ralphxyz's Avatar

It's just Com3 (com3?) no /dev!!


February 27, 2012
by Rodney
Rodney's Avatar

1 Alt Text

i have checked my cabels for the header, i have taken the usb out a few times and plug it back in, i have undo the battery and move the switch going towards the chip, and still get the error for unbuffered memory. there was something mention about the settings for the port for where the serial adaptor is on , what settings should it be for xp home. i really do appreciate everyone's help i really do, thanks again.

February 27, 2012
by pcbolt
pcbolt's Avatar

Hi Rodney -

The makefile line should read (no forward slash):

AVRDUDEFLAGS=-c avr109 -p m168 -b 115200 -P COM3

See if you can post a pic of your makefile. Instead of typing "make" at the command prompt, use "type makefile". This should output your file to the screen.

February 28, 2012
by Rick_S
Rick_S's Avatar

Rodney, in your initial post you said you " i have changed the makefile to show ttycom3 which com3 is where the serial adaptor is on " That was why I said make it just com3. Then later when you post your command screen you obviously have it as /dev/COM3.

Like Ralph and pcbolt said, and I did originally --- make it JUST COM3. The /dev/ttl stuff is for Linux and will not work in Windows.


February 28, 2012
by Rodney
Rodney's Avatar

1 Alt Text here you go pcbolt this is the image you requested.

February 28, 2012
by Rick_S
Rick_S's Avatar

I see you changed it, does it work now?? If not what error do you get?


February 28, 2012
by Rodney
Rodney's Avatar

i still get the same error about the unbuffered memory, i have checked all the wires, i cant think of what i am missing :(

February 28, 2012
by pcbolt
pcbolt's Avatar

Rodney -

The makefile looks fine. Pretty much identical to mine (I use com4). I've read a few other posts about this and some suggestions are:

1). Unplug the USB cable (both ends) and re-plug.

2). Make sure the programming switch on pin 14 is in the correct position and it is grounded when in program mode

3). Disable COM3 in the Windows Control panel then re-enable. Right click on COM3 in the same window you show above. Click "Disable". When you the right click and hit "Enable", you may have to restart your machine.

4). In that same window, see if changing the default port settings will work. You'd need 115200, 8, N, 1. This is a long shot, the command line in the makefile should make the change on the fly. After a right click on COM3, go to properties and one of the tabs will have settings you can change.

5). And of course, re-check wiring (which I'm sure you've done already).

April 05, 2012
by Rodney
Rodney's Avatar

Help.... i let the project rest for awhile decided to come back , it still giving the same error, i battery seems to power the lcd so i dont think its the battery, and i have checked all of my wiring so i dont know what else i can try ? any suggestions pls ?

April 05, 2012
by pcbolt
pcbolt's Avatar

Rodney -

Could you post a screenshot of the error message...starting from where you type "make" to the end of the error?

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