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Support Forum » Help on understanding the role of the contents in the "bootloader168" and "launcher" folder?

March 13, 2012
by caballeroroberto
caballeroroberto's Avatar


I hope this isn't too much to ask. I would like help understanding the roles

each file in the bootloader168 and launcher folder play, like the

config.h,make.fl,launch-bootloader, etc...I am really confused on how all

these interact and how they work. If this is too

much to ask, I would appreciate any direction that would help me understand


Roberto Caballero

March 13, 2012
by pcbolt
pcbolt's Avatar

Hi Roberto -

The config.h file is used to change register assignments since different chips may use different names for ports and regisiters etc. This file is included in foodloader.c which is the source code for the program that will reside on your MCU (after it is compiled of course). The different makefiles will call the compilers and linkers to re-create foodloader.hex so it can be uploaded to your MCU. The foodloader.lst and foodloader.lss are assembly code versions of the "C" file. Not sure what the "fuses" files are since I can't decipher the text file but the fuses configure the MCU's clock and programming modes. The launcher looks like it just test the bootloader once it has been installed. For more info you can try This Link.

March 27, 2012
by caballeroroberto
caballeroroberto's Avatar

Thank you for your help. I appreciate it. Do you know how the and were generated?

Roberto Caballero

March 27, 2012
by pcbolt
pcbolt's Avatar

@ Roberto -

It looks like the *.mk files were created from scratch (just using a text editor). There is a utility that can create make files for you called "Mfile" which is part of the WinAVR package (should be in the download section of Nerdkits). Personally, I think it is easier to write your own, since the "Mfile" utility was designed to work with many different types of MCU's and compilers. It is worth checking out just to see some of the options you have available to you. There is also an "mfile" sub directory in the WinAVR directory that has even more good info and help files for you.

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