NerdKits - electronics education for a digital generation

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Customer Testimonials » Thank you NerdKits for getting me started in electronics!

March 28, 2012
by rboggs10
rboggs10's Avatar

My parents got me a NerdKit for Christmas just over a year ago and since then I have learned so much about electronics. I am about to graduate from high school this summer, and your product has helped me choose my college major of Electrical Engineering. Since i started playing with my NerdKit, I have become quite an electronics hobbyist. I have picked up on things such as assembly language now and I hope to learn so much more. The inspiration that your product has given to me means so much to me. Thank you to all of you at NerdKits.

Ryan Boggs

March 28, 2012
by pcbolt
pcbolt's Avatar

Ryan -

I'm a customer/hobbyist like you and it's great to hear someone your age getting so much out of the Nerdkits. It is a really good learning tool and Mike and Humberto give you enough guidance to get started and let the individual's curiosity take it from there. Right now you're about 10 steps ahead of just about everyone else entering EE programs, so you have a bright future ahead of you. I'm sure you'll make your parents proud of you (they most likely are already!). Good luck in your studies.

March 29, 2012
by dgikuljot
dgikuljot's Avatar

@rboggs10, I am also a senior in high school this year and will be graduating. In colllege for electronics engineering, they don't start teaching you about microcontrollers until Junior year, so we definetly are many steps ahead. I have been repairing electronics circuits for a long time now and the Nerdkits definetly helped reinforce my interest in Electronics Engineering. Honestly I can wait for high school to be over to Enjoy electronics in College. Good Luck!!!

March 30, 2012
by rboggs10
rboggs10's Avatar

Thanks, I am glad that I have been preparing for this before college. I have heard that there are many people who quit in the middle of their engineering degrees because they find it too hard. The NerdKit has truly put me many steps forward in my quest for knowledge in electronics. @dgikuljot Good luck in college to you as well. :)

March 30, 2012
by rboggs10
rboggs10's Avatar

BTW NerdKits also helped me get the senior superlative for Most Computer Savvy at my school. That is pretty cool. :)

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