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Microcontroller Programming » Genesis - Simple MCU programming Library

August 26, 2009
by pedroh96
pedroh96's Avatar

Hi NerdKits Community,

I developed a Library for simple Atmel MCU programming (that works on NerdKits too, ofcourse) in C called Genesis. It's a very easy-to-use library and almost everyone can developing using Genesis. There are many functions implemented, like controlling LEDs, get pin status (for button detection), play songs with piezo buzzer, controlling an LCD display, and many other features.

Please take a look:

Video-Demonstration: GitHub's Link: My Brazillian Blog's link (in Portuguese):

Enjoy, :)

August 26, 2009
by rajabalu21
rajabalu21's Avatar

Very Nice. Thanks for sharing it with us.


August 26, 2009
by Nerdful_com
Nerdful_com's Avatar

Cool, saw it the other day. Will try out your genesis for the PWM soon for some "SG90" generic micro servos that are not regular 50hz times (giving me a hard time, no datasheets either).

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