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Support Forum » Nerd kit getting start

March 31, 2012
by dmgctrl
dmgctrl's Avatar

Hey, Not sure if this is the correct forum, this is my first post.

So I am still on the original project involving getting the LCD screen connected. I have pulled the project apart and put it back together several times and have been unable to get the LCD screen to show the post.

here is where I am at the end of Step 3b: nerdkits

I was hoping anyone could tell me if I'm using the wrong part, or they are seeing a newbie mistake. If it looks good I'll reconnect the LCD with a picture of each wire connection as I follow the step 4a again.

Thank you for any help you can provide.

March 31, 2012
by dmgctrl
dmgctrl's Avatar

Sorry my embedded link is broken, here is a plain text link since I cant figure out how to edit:

March 31, 2012
by Ralphxyz
Ralphxyz's Avatar

How in the world did you get


Oh well your wiring looks fine, put it back together agin. You will be amazed after the forth or fifth time how fast you will be able to wire up your Nerdkit :-)

Well you almost had it!

What you needed was [nerdkits]( as in nerdkits

Or if you wanted to post inline you would do:


giving you: Careful you need to watch the size of your image!


April 01, 2012
by dmgctrl
dmgctrl's Avatar


Thank you for the assistance. Not sure what I did differently this time but it came right up.

April 01, 2012
by Ralphxyz
Ralphxyz's Avatar

Believe me you'll be amazed at how often just re-wiring the Nerdkit fixes it!!

Now take a look at Rick's I2C LCD and he even made up some PCBs

That eliminates all of those pesky wires.


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