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NerdKits Newsletter Archives » NerdKits Newsletter #4b - NerdKits needs your vote! (4 hours left)
September 01, 2009 by mrobbins (NerdKits Staff) |
This newsletter was released on August 7th, 2009. No need to vote any more -- we won! We need your help -- tonight! The NerdKits Meat Thermometer video enjoyed a comfortable lead in the IEEE Engineering Your World competition until just a few hours ago. Jewel De Designe has put up a late in the game surge with only hours left in the voting. We are now trailing them by a few votes as of the time of this writing, and we need your help now more than ever to win it. If you have not yet voted, please create a free account and vote for our video! Voting ends at midnight eastern time. To vote for our video you first need to create a web account with IEEE. This only takes a few minutes, and is completely free. If you already have an IEEE account, you can skip to step 4.
We really appreciate your vote! Humberto & Mike Subscribe on YouTube: |
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