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Basic Electronics » Path Lights controller

April 04, 2012
by Ralphxyz
Ralphxyz's Avatar

Wow Circuit Labs is so cool it is really helping me visualize my Path Light Project.

So here is my first attempt at making a schematic of my project, comments please especially if you see something glaringly wrong (or even slightly).

My Circuit (couldn't get the image to show)

This is for my "Free Brick Path" project which I have been working on since the start of November 2011.

This circuit is to control the path lighting. We like the dark starry skies so we definitely do not want any lights on except when someone is using the path coming or going.

So I have some programing to do but right now I am working on the lights so thought I'd better sketch it out.

For one light I have two different light sources other than that it would be just a low voltage exterior lighting plan.

I need to turn the path lights on with a IR motion detector or a key fob radio signal. Also and this is not yet in the schematic I need to be able to turn the lights on by interrupting the 110 v. AC power supply. I am thinking I might need another relay for this.

Oh I also have to come up with a smart NiCD or NiMH battery charger.

Well what do you think?


April 04, 2012
by pcbolt
pcbolt's Avatar

Ralph -

Very nice project. I like the NYC Grand Central Parkway light stands. I would suggest using an IR sensor "trip wire" at regular intervals along the path. Once "tripped" let nearest light stay on for say 2 or 3 minutes (unless "tripped" again). You might get away with using the newfangled 12v DC LED bulbs. Have each one powered by a battery that is replenished with solar panels atop the light stands. That way each light/sensor/MCU/panel would be a standalone module (w/ battery and MCU unit buried in a weatherproof vault of course). If you don't have enough sunshine, you could implement your smart chargers. You may have to couple neighboring light together for effect, but that would be easy to do. Heck, you could do that with the old 555 chips!

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