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Basic Electronics » Programs will not run

April 14, 2012
by E2MicroRobots
E2MicroRobots's Avatar

Hi! I am having a small issue with my nerdkit. I have successfully built the circuit and displayed the initial message. But now when I try to write to the chip I am having problems. I was getting the Error 1 message but have fixed that. However, now I cannot get the chip to actually run any of the programs that I put on it. It is successfully writing to the chip, at least according to the command prompt. Is there something I am missing? Thanks! Sarah

April 14, 2012
by BobaMosfet
BobaMosfet's Avatar

Hi Sarah, and welcome!

FYI, for further support posts, please post in the support section ;D

I would check a couple of things-

Have you returned the reset switch to the non-programming-mode position? The reset pin must have +5V (you can check this with a multimeter) on it, to hold the reset high so the MCU will run- if this is near or at ground, the MCU won't run.

Check how much voltage is across the + and - rails- makes sure you're close to +5VDC.


April 15, 2012
by Rick_S
Rick_S's Avatar

What program are you trying to run? What result are you seeing that is telling you it isn't running? If you are trying to run the initial load program and after a sucessful upload you are still seeing two black bars on the LCD. Check you program switch like BobaMosfet said. If you have positioned it back to the run position, double check your contrast resistor. It is supposed to be 1K Ohm. There are also 10K Ohm resistors in the kit that are often and easily mistaken for the 1K. If you acidentally used a 10K, the display will not show the text.

1K = Brown Black RED Gold/Silver

10K = Brown Black ORANGE Gold/Silver

The last band is the tolerance band I'm not sure which they provide but it doesn't really matter. The band to look closely at is the 3rd band RED for 1K and ORANGE for 10K. They can look a lot alike.

If that isn't your problem, post some photo's of your layout (good closeups - instructions in the yellow section at the bottom of the page) I'm sure we'll be able to get you going.


April 16, 2012
by E2MicroRobots
E2MicroRobots's Avatar

Hi! Thanks for the tips! I did the things you all suggested. I have checked my batter and it is fine. I checked the power across the: voltage regulator, the entire board in several places, the switch, and the MCU on it's VCC and GND pins. I can't seem to find an issue with the power. I believe I was using the correct resistor, but switched to a new one just in case. I have had a slight improvement. I am trying to run the initialload program. I can load the program onto the chip with no problems. Now when I take the chip out of programming mode (by removing the power then flipping the switch and connecting power again), the first apace on LED blinks. Like the cursor does in a word processor. It blinks once and then nothing else happens. I am uploading pictures right after this. Thanks again! Sarah

April 16, 2012
by E2MicroRobots
E2MicroRobots's Avatar

Breadboard sans: power, switch, LCD

all parts for the next three

April 16, 2012
by E2MicroRobots
E2MicroRobots's Avatar

So I'm going to feel a little bit silly...and tell you that everything is working great now! I apparently had a loose wire now. However, it was the contrast resistor that was the problem but it is all taken care of now.

Thank you again for all of your fantastic help!!! Sarah (AKA one very excited person)

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