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Basic Electronics » Lm317 vs lm317t

April 26, 2012
by dgikuljot
dgikuljot's Avatar

Hey guys, This topic is confusing me and it appears as if those 2 packages have different pin outs. But different sources appear to be saying different things.

I know the lm317t is in a To-22 package but does it have the same pin out as an lm317? Thanks, Kuljot Dhami

April 26, 2012
by BobaMosfet
BobaMosfet's Avatar


I've looked at the datasheets for the LM317, LM317T, and LM317L. All have the same pinout, whether TO-220 or TO-92.

  1. V-Adj
  2. V-Out
  3. V-In

Hope that helps.


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