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Project Help and Ideas » Avr sound??

May 01, 2012
by sonicgadgets
sonicgadgets's Avatar

Looking for good simple way to incorporate sound into my project. Maybe 20 different short sound bites 8bit mono. Ic chip is ok. Any ideas?

Thanks John

May 01, 2012
by Ralphxyz
Ralphxyz's Avatar

Do you want distinguished sounds like "beep" "boop" "bop" or would a varying frequency piezo buzzer work? The piezo buzzer and PWM would be the easiest.

Of course I like the talking calipers you could simplify that to read commands (sounds) from EEPROM and make your 20 different short sounds.


May 01, 2012
by sonicgadgets
sonicgadgets's Avatar

I would like to make a device that will play WAv file through speakers either powered by avr or control an ic chip. I will like to store wav audio on flash or sd card

May 01, 2012
by sonicgadgets
sonicgadgets's Avatar

Ralph thank you I didn't even realize nerd kits had that demo that is exactly what I need thank you!

May 01, 2012
by pcbolt
pcbolt's Avatar

sonic -

I was working on an SDHC project with the ATmega 168 and a fellow here on the forum was kind enough to find THIS LINK (thanks Raja). If you look through all the links on that site, you can find some source code you may find interesting. Some of it is in assembly, but it should not be too hard to compile.

May 02, 2012
by sonicgadgets
sonicgadgets's Avatar

Ralph I looked at the code for the digital caliper and i have no idea how to compile the python code. Also, I tried to compile the c code and there seems to be a problem with the make file. It is talking about not having a rule for 'make'. Not sure if I needed to do anything with the python script first. Also I have never coded in python so it is new to me.

Thanks in advance,


May 02, 2012
by Ralphxyz
Ralphxyz's Avatar

It is talking about not having a rule for 'make'.

I do not believe you are on the correct path!

You just have to download and install the python interpreter.

It is well worth your time to learn how to use Python especially to interface between a PC (Windows/Mac/Linux) and the micro. Unless you are proficient in another language which can do serial communications.


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