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Everything Else » Barebone Breadboard NerdKit With Serial TTL

September 11, 2009
by Nerdful_com
Nerdful_com's Avatar

From the NerdKit store, "Build Your Own Project Package" plus "NerdKits RS232-TTL Level Shifter" should be a barebone AVR kit (you may also need the USB adapter if your PC does not have a serial port).

I got an email addressed to me requesting a cut down of the complete NerdKit (don't know why I was emailed, but...). The person basically wants a kit that has a breadboard, MCU, capacitor, oscillator and the programmer. I did suggest to the person to go to NerdKit store and simply buy the "Build Your Own Project Package" kit and then buy the "NerdKits RS232-TTL Level Shifter" seperately to basically get what they wanted, but they emailed me back saying that they want to resell the kit for student college classes. I haven't heard back recently from them (maybe they bought what I suggested), nor do I really know 100% what is going on...

I also gave them the email in hopes I will not have to be the "middle man" any more.

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