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Microcontroller Programming » AVRISP2 programmer and Macbook

May 15, 2012
by rmore
rmore's Avatar

Hello All!

I recently bought a AVRISP2 programmer. I am wondering what I should do to use this programmer to program the microchip in my Nerdkit. I use a Macbook. Do I need to do any driver downloads to get this programmer started?

I am confused. Please help.


May 16, 2012
by Ralphxyz
Ralphxyz's Avatar

Rmore, this is going to be tough but "should" be doable.

Here is a Google Search

and here a interesting thread

What have you done so far?

Can you see your programmer USB port?

I have a Parallels virtual machine on my MAC to run Windows XP so that I can run AVRStudio to connect to my programmers on my MAC.

Thought I usually just use my Windows 7 box and don't bother with the MAC.

Atmel has married into Microsoft and has sold out to using .NET so there is little chance of ever seeing any help from ATmel.

But you "should" be able to use avrdude from Terminal.

Are comfortable using Terminal?


May 17, 2012
by RogerFL
RogerFL's Avatar

I use AVRISP2 on a Mac using avrdude from CrossPack.

Works great. Only problem I had was when I tried to setup my target to be powered from the programmer. When I added the voltage regulator and power so the target was self-powered, it worked fine.

Here are the flags I use:

AVRDUDEFLAGS=-c avrisp2 -P usb -p m328p

Cheers, Roger

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