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Microcontroller Programming » Music Tutorial For AtMega168L

September 13, 2009
by tech20
tech20's Avatar

I was trying the tutorial for making music with the paizo to find out that it is for the Atmel tiny series. Has anyone converted the code and would be kind enough to post it here, or email it to me at: removed on request . Thanks in advance.

September 13, 2009
by tech20
tech20's Avatar

Actually, I took a good look at the code, and i was able to convert it. I can post it if anyone needs it.

September 14, 2009
by mcai8sh4
mcai8sh4's Avatar

Hi tech20,

A chap called pH has made a piano using the NerdKits. I can't find the post at the minute, but I'm sure I read about it somewhere on the forums. Might be worth checking out. If I find the link, I'll pass it on.

Alternativly, he's quite a regular on the irc channel, I'm sure he'll send the link onto you.

Good luck with your kit.


September 14, 2009
by tech20
tech20's Avatar

I could see how that could be made easily by using a base of the musicbox.c code and adding the input ports for 8 buttons for one octave, adding more for flat and sharp

September 16, 2009
by pbfy0
pbfy0's Avatar

I ported the musicbox project for the ATmega168. I just edited the ports, etc so it works with the ATmega168. here is the code, and here is the file - includes.h - that I include.


August 18, 2010
by NICwHi
NICwHi's Avatar


I couldn't get your post to work, any tips?

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