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Project Help and Ideas » By 5-bit number adder.

May 29, 2012
by whitehatyoyoer
whitehatyoyoer's Avatar

I just want to show off one of the nerdkit projects that I modified a little. I tried to do as much as I could without the book so I could understand it better. It's not much, but here it is. This is the setup.

bit adder setup

Bit 6 on the DIP switch sets which number will be set(up for number1 and down for number2). Bits 1-5 on the DIP set the number. And when the push button is pressed the number that is selected with bit 6 is updated with the new value.

Here's a pic of the screen: bit adder screen

The max values of the numbers is 31.

bit adder screen 2

If anyone wants the code for anything let me know :) Well I guess that's it.


May 29, 2012
by Ralphxyz
Ralphxyz's Avatar

Whitehat, you definitely should publish this in the Nerdkit Community Library.

It will just get lost here in the forum while in the Library it will have a ready reference.

Of course you can just reference this thread in the library but what ever you do there should be something there.

Thank you,


May 29, 2012
by whitehatyoyoer
whitehatyoyoer's Avatar

Ya I think that's a cool Idea, I could like make it into a kind of tutorial.


May 29, 2012
by Ralphxyz
Ralphxyz's Avatar

Yeah, great.

The Library functions like this forum it uses the same Markdown syntax.

The easiest thing is to look at other pages to see how they were constructed.


June 09, 2012
by whitehatyoyoer
whitehatyoyoer's Avatar

FYI. I made a little tutorial and put it in the library. Hope it helps someone.

This is the link.


June 09, 2012
by pcbolt
pcbolt's Avatar

Well done. Your tutorial was very well written. Looking back at some of my old programs, I only wish I had commented the code with the same detail.

June 10, 2012
by whitehatyoyoer
whitehatyoyoer's Avatar

Thanks a lot.


June 11, 2012
by Ralphxyz
Ralphxyz's Avatar

Yeah Tyler, nice write up, thank you.

It is nice to have projects like yours in the Library where there is a ready reference to them instead of them being lost to oblivion being just posted in the forum.

Thanks again, and I encourage everyone to post projects to the Library so that we all can reference them.


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