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Everything Else » Hey 4bits4e4

July 11, 2012
by Ralphxyz
Ralphxyz's Avatar

You overwrote the "Projects" page in the Nerdkits Community Library.

Here is your content:

Guess My Number: Some useful reusable code.

You need to add a page to the projects page do not post your content on the Projects page. Check out how the other pages are done. View "edit" on the Projects page to see how the other postings are linked and do the same with your content. Make a new page linked from the Projects page.

Luckily there is a page restore so I was able to revise to the previous page.

For once Markdown did something good.

Thank you for your attempt to add to the community knowledge.


July 11, 2012
by 4bits4e4
4bits4e4's Avatar

Thanks Ralph, stumbling on an iPad! Haven't coded in a while or taken the time to post here. Last item I had to upload was a memory manager for the Nerdkit but still had some polishing to do. Hope to get back to "normal" soon. It's pretty clear I'm going to need help learning to post to the library.

July 12, 2012
by Ralphxyz
Ralphxyz's Avatar

No problem!!

The easiest way to understand posting to the Library is to select "edit this page" and see how others how posted.

Everything is appreciated in the Library even mistakes.

I really want the Library to be a center of reference for begining AVR users and for the pros.


September 02, 2012
by edb
edb's Avatar


I had seen your request for a write up on PWM and:

a) I had just gone through the tedious process of getting phase correct PWM to work
b) I needed a write-up to present to a colleague regarding a microelectronics topic.
c) I needed a break from the next project phase (some mechanical stuff)

so I wrote up a quick summary (if you can call any summary of PWM quick) and posted it to the library. It MAY be a little long-winded (I've been told I am), and I'd like to figure out an easy way to do highlited and colored text without resorting to html, but that's a project for another day!

I hope it's a useful addition, and I hope there are few mistakes (I've been programming long enough to know to expect at least one mistake if I tie my shoes)


September 03, 2012
by edb
edb's Avatar


While I was at it, I posted my LCD library files. This was written to enable easy changes to the wiring in case I needed the pins currently driving the LCD for something else (turns out I did).

A thought occurred: since you seem to be the library guru, perhaps it would be a good idea to add a board to the forum for library topics. My point is that others might be browsing, not logged on, and might find the topics interesting to quickly browse. I do this all the time looking for information, not logging in and therefore not having access to the libraries. Some might even never notice the libraries otherwise, since they are in the members section (and it makes sense for it to be there).

This board could be reserved for quick descriptions of library contents.

September 03, 2012
by Ralphxyz
Ralphxyz's Avatar

Wow edb, that is fantastic!! Thank you.

How do I use a timer to generate phase correct PWM?

You put a lot of work into your write up, thank you again.


September 03, 2012
by edb
edb's Avatar


Did you see my other comment? We posted within 10 minutes of each other, so maybe you missed it?

BTW: thanks for the feedback on the first post.


September 03, 2012
by Ralphxyz
Ralphxyz's Avatar

Hi Ed, I had missed your other comment!

So where did you post the LCD Library files? I looked quickly but did not see them.


September 04, 2012
by edb
edb's Avatar

It was under "code". I guess somebody didn't care for it? Perhaps they misunderstood what it was? It was a 'generic' file to drive the LCD off of non-standard (for Nerdkit) arrangements. I don't see it anymore...

I am still curious if anyone would like to see an 'index' of these members only files in a more central location.

September 05, 2012
by Ralphxyz
Ralphxyz's Avatar

Nobody would have/should have "removed" it.

What was the name of the page?

Possible Mike or Humberto could recover it.

The Nerdkit guys have never been very enthusiastic about the library.

I think I shamed them into putting it up, but since a few emails on how to use the stupid Markdown syntax they have never commented on it.

You might ask at

I really see a benefit to having the library but probable there is a conflict with the Nerdkits philosophy of the only way to learn is to do it yourself versus building off/applying what others have done.

Did you makeup the LCD page in a editor on your pc or do it all in place on the edit page?

If you have your original you could repost it.


September 05, 2012
by edb
edb's Avatar

It's not a big deal to re-post it, even though the comments were done on the edit page there weren't many. It may be that the library conflicted with the one already there? The real difference is just that pins are assigned in the header file and the .c file uses descriptive variables instead of actual register and pin names. I find it's advantageous if you want to recompile with different pins driving the LCD, but as you say -- there is something to be learned by doing it yourself. Personally, I like seeing what others have coded, even if it is 'cheating'. It gives you more ideas to pull together (which is really all I did with the LCD library). I'll try putting it back up later.

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