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Basic Electronics » Stepper Motor Motor Speed Control
July 11, 2012 by Ralphxyz ![]() |
Again lets start a new thread dedicated (yeah right) to Stepper Motor Speed Control. Continued on from my Stepper Motor Programing thread. Ralph |
July 11, 2012 by sask55 ![]() |
Ralph I don’t have a board set up so I cannot experiment with various delay times on a stepper. It seams to me you said what the range of delay times you have tried. What is the fastest motor speed (shortest delay time) that you have tried? If you want to use delay times that are relatively short say one or two ms to get high motor speeds, then I think we should consider using the delay_us function, rather then the delay_ms function. If the 65535 microsecond delay does not produce a slow enough motor speed we could deal with that in the code. By using the microsecond delay we could achieve much better control of motor speed at the fast end of the range. My concern is that if you go from a 2ms delay to a 1 ms delay you would double the motor speed, for a 3ms delay to a 2ms delay will be a 50% increase. Those would be huge jumps in the motor speed the user would have very little fine control of the motor speed at the top end of the speed range. By using the us_delay the speed control could be customized to allow for much smaller more linear changes. We can make the motor speed control in a number of ways. First we should establish what range we would like to be able to cover. What would be a reasonable range of delay times to set up in the code ie shortest and longest delay periods that we will need? |
July 12, 2012 by Ralphxyz ![]() |
Hi Darryl, I have use 2ms to 1000ms. At 1000ms the coils heat up if left on for a couple of minutes but it does work. That was in Full Step Mode in Half Step Mode there does not appear to be a problem. I have not thought to much about speed control except that I wanted to do it. I was going to start with the Nerdkits Temp Sensor project and a potentiometer. That is very interesting on the speed increase with timing change. I can definitely see the change between 2ms and 4ms. I think I am going to have to think about this. I suppose speed will depend on application it will not be generic code. Ralph (sorry about all of the first person comments) |
July 12, 2012 by sask55 ![]() |
Ralph I am not at home so don’t have access to software or nerd kit for a couple of days. The potentiometer method should work fine it would be an interesting option. I will post some code using a method I have used before. It is common on agricultural equipment controls and monitoring systems to use two buttons for user set inputs. I kind of based my system on that kind of model. Basically the longer a person holds down the key the faster the changes occur. It takes a little practice but after a person gets a little experience it is a fast and very precise method to make changes over a very wide range of values. It may not be necessary to have precise stepper motor speed control for many projects but people may adapted this type of method for other input needs. |
July 19, 2012 by sask55 ![]() |
I am posting an example of code that can be used to control bipolar stepper motors. I have tried to put comments in place to help explain how it is set up. There are many ways motor control could be done this is just one way to do it. To use this code: First change the #define values to match your motor characteristics and your personal preferences. This code will allow you to ----Turn a motor on and off, and restart at the current step. ----Select the motor direction CW or CCW. There is a 50% chance that the directions will be correct on any setup. If the motor is turning the wrong way from what is displayed on the LCD. Flip or switch the two wire on ONE of the motor coils to correct the LCD display. ----Select what stepping mode you wish the motor to be doing. ----Select the motor speed over a very wide range by holding down the key the incremental rate of change increase with time. A few notes. As Ralph has indicated using pin 14 PORTB PB0 as an output pin can sometimes cause problems because this pin when pulled low at start up will put the MCU in program mode. I have moved the IN1 connection to PORT B PB4. The value of RPMs used in this code is approximant and ideal. I have made no attempt to verify how accurate these values are. I have used a 32 bit int variable to hold the delay time is microseconds. By using this large variable it is possible to have both a very wide range of speeds and fine control of speed changes. I have tried a couple of ideas for the delay time increment. The inverse relationship between delay time and motor speed makes it difficult to produce linear changes in speed over a large range. I settled on a using an increment based on a percentage of the current speed rather than a constant value. According to its data sheet the L298N motor controller chip has the capability to make use of current sensing resistors to allow the chip to limit current to the motor coils. Control boards like the one Ralph has, do not have any provision designed into them to allow the user to make use of that capability on the chip. Without that capability the speed range and torque produced by the motor will be limited. As the speed of the motor is increased the inductance of the motor coils becomes more relevant. At high controller speeds the motor will eventually stall or not have sufficient torque to move any load. At low controller speeds the motor coils may overheat do to continues high current flow. If a project requires a broader motor speed range and more torque at higher motor speeds. I would consider abandoning the motor control board and acquiring a L298N chip., A couple of resistors properly sized to limit the current to match my stepper motor coil rating. Some fast diodes to be used as flyback current diodes. A higher voltage power supply that is rated with a capacity of at least twice the motor coil rating, By building or buying a circuit with current control it is likely you will get much better motor performance. A major consideration of controlling a motor this way is that the MCU is spending most of its time doing delays and is therefore not available to do much else. Controlling one motor at a time is about all that can be done using this approach. In fact when the motor is turning very slowly the MCU does not check the status of the buttons very often even using the input buttons is affected by the delays. I hope that some of this is of some help or at least interesting. Darryl |
July 19, 2012 by live4the1 ![]() |
I've noticed that you have steps_per_rev at 200. Since my motor is set at 7.5 degrees per step would I put 48 instead of 200 and if in half-step mode, would it actually be 96 steps per revolution? |
July 19, 2012 by Ralphxyz ![]() |
Yeah right hopefully someone will find this interesting (ME, ME, ME). Can't wait to try it, I need some good rainy days the weather has finally cooled off so I need to be working on my outside project. Ralph |
July 19, 2012 by sask55 ![]() |
live4the1 Yes 48. will replace 200.0 if your motor has 7.5 degree steps. The decimal point should be included as in some cases it indicates to the compiler to treat the number as a floating point number not an integer type. Yes there would be 96 half steps per rev for half stepping mode. This is handled in the code by doubling the value of step_per_rev and then skipping the output part of every second step for half and full stepping modes but still doing the delay to maintain the same speed. The user does not have to change anything when selecting different modes. |
July 21, 2012 by sask55 ![]() |
I have looked over the code that I posted. Although the code does work as it was posted, I see a number of strange things that are not necessary or correct. I have attempted to clean up and remove a bit of the confusing bits of code, here and there, that I have noticed. Most of these errors originated as a result of cut and paste operations, or me changing my approach without changing all the lines affected. I think this code may be a little clearer.
Darryl |
July 24, 2012 by Ralphxyz ![]() |
Hey Darryl, you have the buttons going to ground correct? I tried your code, it compiles fine but I am getting nothing with button press. The motor does not run! None of LEDs light also. Ralph |
July 24, 2012 by sask55 ![]() |
Ralph That seams strange it is working here. Are you seeing the four lines of messages on the LCD screen as expected ? “Motor stopped “ should be in line one. Yes the buttons go to ground, five buttons should be on the MCU pins 24,25,26,27,28 I am not sure what is going on. We will have to try to isolate the problem by eliminating one thing at a time. Darryl |
July 25, 2012 by Ralphxyz ![]() |
I do not have a LCD, I would add one but I use Rick's I2C LED and so I'll have to make adjustments to see the LCD. I was sure the buttons went to ground but wanted to make sure, thanks. I do not have a lot of time but I'll try to sort this out. Of course I'll will be looking at my wiring and running some previously working code to make sure everything is "still" wired up correctly. Funny how things can change with the previously working breadboard and controller pushed aside while I was working on a different breadboard. Ralph |
July 25, 2012 by sask55 ![]() |
Ralph With no LCD the only button that you will notice anything happening is the start/stop on the PC1 pin. All the buttons should still work if the motor is stopped but there is no way you will be able to tell they are working until you start the motor. The way the code is written the motor will always pause while any button is pushed. When a button is pushed the change made by the button push is displayed on the LCD. After the button is released there is a short delay and motor will resume, using the change. If you hold a button down you will end up repeatedly changing the parameter that that button controls. i.e. the button on PC1 will switch between the motor being off and on about twice each second until the button is released |
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