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Support Forum » Tempsensor issue

July 12, 2012
by aaa1234
aaa1234's Avatar

I get below output when "make" issued in directory as shown

C:...Codetempsensor_edu>make avrdude -c avr109 -p m328p -b 115200 -P /COM4 -U

Connecting to programmer: . Found programmer: Id = "FDL v02"; type = S Software Version = 0.2; No Hardware Version Programmer supports auto addr increment. Programmer supports buffered memory access with

Programmer supports the following devices: Device code: 0x35

avrdude: AVR device initialized and ready to acc

Reading | ######################################

avrdude: Device signature = 0x1e9406 avrdude: Expected signature for ATMEGA328P is 1E Double check chip, or use -F to overrid

avrdude done. Thank you.

make: *** [tempsensor-upload] Error 1

July 13, 2012
by Ralphxyz
Ralphxyz's Avatar

Well the first thing is, are you using a ATMEGA328P or did you grab a 168?

Here is the syntax for using the -F flag.

AVRDUDEFLAGS=-c avr109 -p m328p -F -b 115200 -P com4

Notice it is not /com4 just com4 that also could cause a problem.


July 13, 2012
by aaa1234
aaa1234's Avatar

thanks for the reply Ralph, I have the 328 and the / was inadvertent as i was trying all formats. once changing the flags line to the F flag it runs and verifies 10258 bytes of flash and says thank you. only now I get no output to the lcd or the computer - any ideas? also what was the significance of the F flag versus what i previously had? have a good Friday the 13th! Robert

July 13, 2012
by Ralphxyz
Ralphxyz's Avatar

The -F flag just overrides the Signature check. I am sure there is a reason and logic behind the override but it is beyond my limited comprehension of MAKE.

One could spend the rest of their life just learning the intricacies of Make.

Start with the Initialload program.

After two years of having a Nerdkit I still go back to Initialload if I am having problems.


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