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Support Forum » Windows 8 and the Prolific USB to Serial Adapter

August 24, 2012
by dan_engbers
dan_engbers's Avatar

Not sure if anyone here is an early adopter, but I installed Windows 8 and just found out that the USB adapter that came with the nerd kit is EOL.

Notice is here. Prolific

I had to install the Windows 8 Driver and the package came with a checking tool. Because of the error 10 I had to uninstall the hardware, unplug/replug and then click "check" at JUST the right moment before the error showed. Sure enough, it's the HXA/XA chip version which is EOL.

Upgraded my VMware Worktation to V9 and downloading it now. Looks like I can build my solution (using Atmel Studio 6) and use avrdude in a VM to upload the hex file to the AVR. That's the theory anyway :)

Here is part of the readme from prolific: NOTE: - Windows 8 is NOT supported in HXA/XA chip versions (will show yellow mark Error Code 10). - Windows 8 is supported only in following chip versions: - PL2303HXD (HX Rev D) - PL2303EA (ESD protection) - PL2303RA (Built-in transceiver) - PL2303SA (SOP8 package) - PL2303TA (PL2303HXA/XA replacement) - PL2303TB (12 GPIO)

August 25, 2012
by Ralphxyz
Ralphxyz's Avatar

Thanks dan_engbers, but I am absolutely determined not to "upgrade" to Widows 8 I've had it with Windoze. I wish I had never left XP or Windows 3 or NT 4.


August 25, 2012
JKITSON's Avatar

I went back to XP-PRO and do what I need to do. Some day I probably will have to update & learn the newer systems...


August 25, 2012
by Pew446
Pew446's Avatar

I have Windows 8 dualbooted with 7 so I'm good on this one, but thanks for the info!

August 26, 2012
by dan_engbers
dan_engbers's Avatar

FYI Using XP through a VM with AVRDude is working great. I'll source a new adapter at some point here but this is a decent workaround.

November 28, 2012
by Ralphxyz
Ralphxyz's Avatar

God forbid I had to buy a new computer and it came with Windows 8.

Is anyone using Windows 8 or are you using virtual machines with XP?

If virtual machine how did you set it up?

Is Atmel Studio 6 working with Windows 8?

Thanks for the help (believe me I need it :-)


October 19, 2014
by Todd2473
Todd2473's Avatar

Running into the same problem. Unfortunately, the statement "Upgraded my VMware Worktation to V9 and downloading it now. Looks like I can build my solution (using Atmel Studio 6) and use avrdude in a VM to upload the hex file to the AVR. That's the theory anyway :)" seems like a foreign language:-)

If the above could be broken down to bite size chunks for a novice, it would be much appreciated as I am not able to do anything at this point. I am not sure what is being replaced with what or if it is the chip itself that can't be used or just the compiler. Thanks in advance.

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