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Support Forum » Make Initialload error; ser_open() can't open device "COMX"

August 26, 2012
by dannylws
dannylws's Avatar

Hi I'm just start learning with my Nerdkit. when i'm try on make command on to the initialload.c, found error

I'm using Windows 7 64bit system and I had install win 7 USB driver (Thanks to Mike)from forum thread

here is my usb com port screen shot

and also change to the makefile as show below scrren shot

any idea what wrong, Please help!

August 26, 2012
by Rick_S
Rick_S's Avatar

If using Windows, 32bit OS's seem to be more friendly, otherwise, maybe a USB-Serial adapter that isn't based on the prolific chipset such as the FT232 based boards such as this one. Disclaimer, this is just the first such adapater that popped up on an ebay search.. I do not know or recommend this seller so do not buy from them based on this link. The link was just to illustrate what an FTDI FT232 based USB to Serial adapter would look like.


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