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September 02, 2012
by Oldmans
Oldmans's Avatar

Having difficulty with step 10a and the Initialload, and opening in Programers notepad.

September 03, 2012
by Rick_S
Rick_S's Avatar

Welcome Sign Oldmans,

There are many people here who will offer help, but we may need a more information of the exact problem you are having.

A few thoughts I have that may help a bit.

Depending on the version of Windows you are running, the installer for WINAVR can be picky and Programmers Notepad will not install properly. In case this is your issue, the solution is to uninstall the WINAVR package then re-install it, but as administrator.

To do this, once uninstalled, simply right click the WINAVR install file and select "Run as administrator". After you OK the security popups, this will allow the installer to do it's job and you will get the full install. This fixes most Programmers Notepad install issues.

If you are having other issues, let us know, just please be as descriptive as possible as that helps a lot when troubleshooting.


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