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Project Help and Ideas » LED Project Even/Odd cols are switch

September 22, 2012
by jaschon
jaschon's Avatar

I just noticed that I built the LED Array with the odd/even columns reversed.

Can you give me some tips to correct this problem in the code?

September 22, 2012
by mongo
mongo's Avatar

It's a little trick that utilizes the bilateral properties of the MCU output pins. Notice how if the level is high at the common side, one column works while a low makes the other column work. You get twice as much visual data by switching back and forth.

September 23, 2012
by jaschon
jaschon's Avatar

Thanks for the suggestion.

I actually got it two work with a slight change in the interrupt function. In the if/else statement, I think I just changed the last param in the ledarray_set_columndriver call and switched the PORTB lines.

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