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Customer Testimonials » Score! First project in the guide DONE!

October 03, 2009
by mikedoug
mikedoug's Avatar

Thank you Humberto & Mike for your work with the guide, and for your congratulations delivered via the pre-programmed MCU.

Next step, programming this bad boy. I'm jazzed as heck with the mere thought of what I can make with this. No longer is programming restricted (ha!) to computers. Now, real world electronic gadgets are in my grasp!

Glad you ran into us at DEMO -- and glad you pulled up and enjoyed some free French wine with us! MikeDoug

October 04, 2009
by mikedoug
mikedoug's Avatar

The initial load program is loaded! I had some problems loading the PL-2303 driver -- but persistence in trying over and over finally got it working -- not sure if I could say what I did that got it to work, but Vista 64 Ultimate works. :)

October 07, 2009
by mikedoug
mikedoug's Avatar

It's truly official -- I must be hooked. I found an old Logitech rechargeable mouse base, noticed it's power source was 8V -- well within the spec for the NerdKit's 5V Voltage Regulator. I got out the screw drivers, took the base apart, and lo! I can snip the wires off the little power plug adapter and actually have a wall wort that I can plug in to my projects. :)


April 18, 2010
by nisa
nisa's Avatar

Hi All, Done with configuring my NerdKits and generating an self defined message. I will now skip the temperature sensor project and take on the "blinking LED". The staged development of the project would be as follows: a) blink the LED b) blink the LED at pre-defined interval c) create a clock and blink the LED (for 10 sec or so) at a predefined time. d) Allow user to set time to blink the LED (for 10 sec or so) at that time. e) Replace the LED with the buzzer to make an alarm. I hope if I'm not too busy with my work, I should be able to complete all this in a month's time (that is working only weekends). Wish me luck! Thanks to the NerdKits staff for putting together such a nice kit! Regards,

April 18, 2010
by hevans
(NerdKits Staff)

hevans's Avatar

Hi nisa,

I'm glad you finished the first project, and welcome to the forums! We look forward to hearing much more about your projects as they progress.


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