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Everything Else » I'm back...if you'll take me...
October 20, 2012 by dvdsnyd ![]() |
Hi guys! Wow! I am so sorry for completely disappearing for the past 4 months! Truth is I have had a lot of changes in my life going on, which haven't left me any time to do much of any hobby stuff. My wife and I just recently moved from our little apartment to a house. First time home buyers, so that in itself has been a major adjustment. We are finally getting things organized and settled. I have a lot more room now for my electronics/computer desk, which makes me happy! :-) Work has gotten a lot crazier too! I interviewed and accepted a new position. I am now a reliability engineering technician, which is using my engineering degree much more than running a production line. This has been an adjustment as well...then to top it all off, we are expecting our first child December 24th :-D So, there you have it...some lame excuses as to why I have disappeared :-/ I hope to be more active. I partially feel obligated to get some results from my little pressure sensor rocket altimeter to show you guys. I have gotten so much support and help from this forum! It is truly unbelievable! If I haven't said it enough, Thank you so much! I wouldn't have gotten this far without any of you! I have gotten it out and powered it up and it still breadboard form...hopefully it won't be 4 months before I post about it again :-p David |
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