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Support Forum » Does nerdkit work on Macbook?

November 10, 2012
by Hweeping
Hweeping's Avatar

Anyone knows if nerdkit works on Macbook?

November 10, 2012
by dvdsnyd
dvdsnyd's Avatar

What's required to make it work?

We expect that you have the following things in order to use our kit:

    USB NerdKit: Now supports Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux!
The compiler software and toolchain (built around "avr-gcc", open-source) is compatible with Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux, and we take special care to make sure our tools work equivalently on all three operating system platforms.
Wire strippers. If you don't have wire strippers already, your local hardware store will, or you can find some online.

While not required, a multimeter can be very handy for debugging your circuits. You might already have one, but if not, we have a few in our store.

Taken directly from here Do you have a kit? Looking to buy?

November 10, 2012
by Ralphxyz
Ralphxyz's Avatar

What version of OS X is on your MacBook? You search the forum to problems that people had and the solutions. Main thing is to get the latest driver usually but some older versions need different drivers that the newest version (Mountain Lion?)


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