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Project Help and Ideas » Need help on Science Fair Project: Theramin

November 20, 2012
by Chasehays
Chasehays's Avatar

Hi, I want to build a theramin for my 7th grade science project. I found this one that uses an Arduino and need advice to do it on a nerd kit, which I have but am not real familiar with yet. Any help is great!

November 21, 2012
by pcbolt
pcbolt's Avatar

Hi Chasehays -

The Nerdkit guys put together a video on building a Theramin HERE. It is a good project and builds on knowledge gained from the "Tempsensor" built with the NK guide. I would start by building the temperature sensor first and when you see how easy it is and how well the instructions are, you should be able to jump right in to your science project. Also, in the tutorial section along with the Theramin video is a video using capacitive touch sensors which is closer to the old style Theramins.

November 25, 2012
by Chasehays
Chasehays's Avatar

Thanks. Ill try it.

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