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Everything Else » Happy Thanksgiving!!

November 22, 2012
by Rick_S
Rick_S's Avatar

To all my fellow NerdKit Friends,

I wish you all a happy and joyous Thanksgiving. I want you all to know I am truly thankful for all the interactions I've had with many of the people here. I've seen many come and go but there are a select few regulars that make this place a great place to be. I'm also thankful that Humberto and Mike had the gumption to go into this venture because without it, I probably never would have gotten off my laurels and expanded my knowledge into microcontrollers like I have.



November 22, 2012
JKITSON's Avatar


Thanks and a VERY happy Thanksgiving to you also..

I do not post many comments here on Nerdkits, BUT I do check and read the posts at least 3 times every day. I go into Nerd shakes if I miss a day.

Your knowledge and ability to write is fantastic. Keep it up..

Thanks again Rick, Nerdkits, and all the other friends here on Nerdkits.


November 24, 2012
by sask55
sask55's Avatar

I too would like to take this opportunity to thank the Nedkit developers Humberto and Mike as well as the numerous regular contributors to this forum. I have found that there is a wealth of knowledge available on this forum spanning a wide range topics related to both hardware and software. It never cesses to amaze me how much detailed in depth help is available to anyone that has a question or issue. I hesitate to name individuals because there have been so many helpful posts from so many people. From my personal experiences I feel that there are a number of individuals that have been outstanding. Ralph, Rick, Noter, Jim, pcbolt, BobbaMosfet and mongo are just a few of the regulars that have helped me, and countless others.

Thanks! I love this hobby, this form and the entire Nerdkit experience.


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