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Basic Electronics » Where to buy individual oscillators

November 22, 2012
by wadaltmon
wadaltmon's Avatar

Anyone know where I can buy the correct 14.7456MHz oscillators like the ones that come with the Nerdkits?

November 22, 2012
by mongo
mongo's Avatar


I bought half a dozen a while back just for this stuff.

DigiKey part number ECS-130-20-46X

November 22, 2012
JKITSON's Avatar

You can order them direct from Nerdkits. They have a lot of parts avail. Check the STORE tab at the top of the screen...


November 22, 2012
by Noter
Noter's Avatar

Mouser has a good selection -

You can find them on eBay too -

November 22, 2012
by wadaltmon
wadaltmon's Avatar

I wasn't able to find them alone on the NerdKits store, but I have looked at DigiKey. DigiKey and Mouser look like good places, though I've never heard of it up to this point.

I've had bad experiences buying components off eBay so I think I'll stay away for now, but I'll check out the links here.

It would be cool, though, if you could buy them directly separately through NerdKits. But, thanks for the links guys!

November 22, 2012
by dgikuljot
dgikuljot's Avatar

They have all kinds of components for cheap including crystals, resistors, capaciators. They even have blank Atmega 328's for only $3.50. Only thing is since they are in Taiwan shipping can take 1-2 weeks.

November 23, 2012
by Rick_S
Rick_S's Avatar

I normally buy from mouser. I just placed an order for some components from them. The crystals were $0.30 each in a quantity of 10 pcs. Now these are 30ppm parts and I think the NK ones were 20ppm parts if I recall correctly but most likely you wouldn't notice a difference. As for blank micro's, I got 10 of those (ATMEGA328P)at $2.13 ea. Economy shipping is $5 and they are in the USA so if you live in the USA, you'll get your parts MUCH quicker than the slow boat from China.

As you can see from my recent order, their prices aren't all bad...



November 26, 2012
by Pew446
Pew446's Avatar

They have them at Tayda Electronics. Here. They have a $5 minimum, but you could buy a chip or two while you're at it. Tayda has extremely low prices, and although shipping says 7-16 days, all 5 of my orders have reached me in Utah in 4 days every time.

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