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Basic Electronics » iphone-controlled R/C car project

November 26, 2012
by davidsheeran
davidsheeran's Avatar

I looked around the forums and didn't see much on the iphone-controlled R/C car project (I may have missed it), so I just have a simple question. I'd like to attempt this project, but I don't have an iphone, I have an android phone. Can I do this project with my phone? (if yes, then I may have lots of questions after I buy the R/C car and dig into the project).

November 26, 2012
by JimFrederickson
JimFrederickson's Avatar

Well in the Nerdkits RC Car Project the Computer sends the control data to the AVR Microcontroller dependent upon interaction with a webpage.

So control of the RC Car should be possible from any device that can access that webpage.

The key-code runs on the Computer not on the iPhone, or in your case Android Phone.

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