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Microcontroller Programming » Help - LCD Blank after tempsensor project...
December 01, 2012 by pedaci |
Hello, I completed everything through page 55 of the manual with success :) got the LCD to go bling, completed first program, and then when I got to the end of the tempsensor project my LCD screen seems "dead" :) and I am continually getting errors in the code. I have tried the battery suggested, checking to see if the switch was on/off, etc. but it is all no good because I am getting nothing from LCD anymore. Anyway I can go back and "reload stuff" so that I am back to square 1 and LCD turns on? Thanks a ton in advance, Mike |
December 01, 2012 by Ralphxyz |
Is that a question or are you saying something? But yes definitely when things don't work always go back to something that did work. Chances are you have a loose wire. Ralph |
December 01, 2012 by pedaci |
Hi Ralph, Thanks for responding... It is a question actually :) - the last sentence really. I am essentially asking "how can I get back to square one regarding the Microncontroller / LCD?" Is there something I can do to "reset"? In meantime - I will check all wires again as you have suggested. Thanks! Mike |
December 02, 2012 by Ralphxyz |
Hi pedaci, I have often advised and done it myself to just strip the breadboard and start over when things just don't work no matter what you do. You will be amazed at how fast you get redoing the breadboard after the forth or fifth time :-) Of course having a soldered up base Nerdkit board really helps eliminate the loose wire problem (which occurs sometimes every time you move the breadboard) Ralph |
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